19 September 2012

10 day 'you' challenge: #8

#10 secrets // #09 loves // #08 fears // #07 wants // #06 places // #05 foods // #04 books // #03 films // #02 songs // #01 picture of yourself. 

I've not really got lots of fears and most of them aren't me scared, they're me being weird about things. Unlike the majority of people I'm actually not even scared of spiders! Anyway, I'll get on with it.

1. Snakes. This would be a phobia I think. I can't even see them on TV or pictures of them, without physically feeling sick. I've cried over pictures of them, I can't even think about them. I saw one once in a zoo and actually ran off and cried. I can't even begin to explain how much they make me sick. They're the most disgusting creatures in the entire world.
2. Sauces. I'm not sure why, but sometimes sauces make me feel really sick. I can eat them on some things, but usually if they make me cringe and just feel really ill. It's the weirdest thing but I can't stand them.
3. Sneezing in public. I can't sneeze at all in public without wanting to cry. I try everything I can to not sneeze in public. It's mainly because I don't like drawing attention to myself. It's just horrid, I don't like it at all.
4. School. For a while I had a fear of going to school and would have panic attacks if I even got close to it. It got so bad that my school attendance became like 30%. Luckily I've worked with people to sort it out and now I go to sixth form happily. 
5. Failing. Most people probably fear this, but I fear it to almost an extreme level. Before my GCSE results I almost cried each day because I was so scared that'd I not done well. If I put a lot of work into something then the fear gets worse because I'd feel so disappointed in myself too.
6. Smelling bad. I'm so scared in case I smell. I carry around body spray everywhere I go. I got told once that I stank of smoke, I walked off and cried because I was so worried everyone could smell it. Now I don't leave any of my clothes downstairs, or let anyone smoke in my room. 
7. Apocalypses. This kind of fascinates me but scares me so much too. I get so scared just in case something will happen to cause the end of the world, or something like that. I spend too much time thinking about it and what could happen, honestly it scares me. Especially since this whole thing about the world ending this year.
8. Dying by myself. This fears links in with the last one, I'm scared that I will die by myself, without anyone to say goodbye to or spend my last few moments with. I also worry that I will die while I'm unhappy with someone, or worry I may not be able to say I love you to my family just before. I can't handle thinking about it.

Enjoy x

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